Governing Body

(Photo to Follow) Welcome to the Governing Body section of the website. My name is Angela Pratt and I am the Chair of Governors of Green Shoots Partnership.

 Our governors represent our wider school community: elected parent and staff governors, one Local Authority nominee   and co-opted members from the wider community. They have a mix of skills, experiences and backgrounds to help   provide the best possible support to the School.  We are actively recruiting new members.

 School governors have a responsibility for supporting the schools, while also holding them to account. At each school, Governors are actively involved in all aspects of school life and contribute time and energy to ensure the school   continually improves. Governors share the school’s aims and values, and are keen to enhance the environment, provide the right resources and to see that every child receives the best possible education.

The purpose of the Governing Body is to help the school to provide the best possible education for its pupils. They work closely with the Executive Head Teacher and the Senior Leadership Teams to set the school’s strategic aims and policies and actively work to monitor, support and improve the quality of teaching and learning for all pupils. The role of the Governing Body is one of strategic oversight; governors are not involved in the day-to-day running of the school. That is the responsibility of the Head of School.

The full Federation Governing Body meets formally once a term.

Sub-committees also meet once or twice a term to focus on particular areas in more detail. The two main sub-committees are:

  • Finance & Resources (F&R)
  • Quality of Education (QoE).

Other committees, panels and project teams meet when needed. It is also important for Governors to see the school in action, and they make regular visits to classrooms, to speak with teachers and to join in school events and celebrations. Governors take very seriously the role they play and the contribution they can make. Governors are expected to sign up to a code of practice agreeing to act with honesty and integrity, to keep up to date with training and to respect confidentiality at all times.

If you wish to contact me, you can do so via either school office. Please mark your correspondence 'FAO Angela Pratt - Chair of Governors'